to the 28th.
The CEO Boot Camp is targeted at executives who are
leading or planning to lead a business enterprise. All sessions will
be held at the University’s Executive Education Centre in the World
Exchange Plaza in downtown Ottawa. It is expected that the Boot Camp
will become an annual offering.
Commenting on the concept of the Boot Camp, Micháel
Kelly, Dean of the School of Management, said that feedback from
the School’s Advisory Board and other research in the local business
community indicated a strong demand for such an undertaking. "We are
hearing from local executives that they need a practical and intense
workshop developed and led by industry experts that would give them
the skills and knowledge to take on high level business challenges.
That’s why we responded with this event."
In designing the Boot Camp, the School of Management
relied on the experience of several Ottawa executives. Diju Raha,
CEO of Eximsoft was one of the contributors to the program content. "I
designed my particular session to be part of the overall theme based
on the experience that I had in building a global R&D network for a
major telecommunications company. Subsequently, I used the same
management skills and ideas to build my own company", he said.
Developed and delivered by industry leaders and the
University of Ottawa EMBA Faculty, the CEO Boot Camp offers a tightly
coordinated program that focuses on the key factors for business
growth ranging from building and compensating a winning team, to
protection of intellectual property, from market research and
competitive analysis to building strategic alliances, from addressing
Canadian and foreign legal and taxation issues to winning exit